The site location is shown on the aerial photograph above.
(White line) Development boundary (Dashed line) Area for landscape and biodiversity enhancements

The Trustees of the JD Clark 1984 Settlement invite you to participate in an online public consultation in relation to their proposals for a residential development at Brooks Farm, Street.

The Brooks Farm site is located to the southwest of Street, off Brooks Road and includes an area selected by Somerset Council for the location of the village’s future growth. The site is sustainably located with a wide variety of education, employment, leisure and retail facilities within level walking and cycling distance of the development site. New residents will be able to quickly and easily access the village centre.

The plans include the potential for up to 160 high quality and sustainable new homes including affordable housing in order to assist with the provision of housing in the area.

The development would also provide open space, walking and cycling routes, orchards, and an area of informal parkland and children’s play space. The potential for a community building or structure is also being considered.

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